Heavy Heart
Script, cinematography, direction: Marek Šulík
Theme: Marek Šulík, Jana Belišová, Zuzana Mojžišová
Sound mixing: Richard Fűlek, Martin Merc
Editor: Marek Šulík, Peter Kotrha
Dramaturgy: Zuzana Mojžišová
Played and sung by: Gizela Čonková, Terézia Polhošová, Viera Mižigarová, Tomáš Mižigar, Adrián Mižigar Peter Mižigar, Marko Mižigar, Tomáš Durkáč, Valéria Mišalková, Anna Mižigarová, Artur Mišalko, Gustáv Dunka, Erik Dunka, Svetlana Bandiová, Alžbeta Žigová, Anna Michalíková, Jozef Dreveňák ml., Jozef Dreveňák st., Blanka Balogová, Katka Bystrá, Irena Pokutová, Emil Pokuta, Béla Pokuta and others.
It arose as a part of ethnomusicological research of ancient Roma songs which was carried out in the Slovak Academy of Sciences by Jana Belišová. In a mosaic-like way it traces the way the original Roma
music in Roma communities transport to the next generation or also how it ceases to exist under the influence of social changes. Three stories of children from Roma communities serve as certain interludes
consisting of materials gained during research trips. It is a film on Roma music and full of Roma music.
Producer: Jana Belišová
Produced by: ŽUDRO
71 min, language slovak and Roma, with ENG or SK subtitles
sound 5.1, image 2K, 25fps, from 12 years
Year of production: 2017
Year of local premiere: October 6th, 2017
The realization of this film was financially supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund.
This project was realised thanks to financial support of the Slovak Research and Development Agency.
Film is part of an ethnomusicological project Šilalo paňori / Studená vodička. DVD is available here.